
01871-240500 95305-59593

Affiliation Number : 1631116

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Learn Fast, Grow Fast..


CBSE School From Ist to 10th Classe

Drawing & Painting

All students are required to be regular and punctual for the classes. Minimum attendance required for the examination is 75%. Attendance will be added in the overall weighting of final exam.


AVM School has taken a new approach to conduct school classes at tutoion on Maintenance Chargeds only like Electricity, Rent, Teacher Salar and Computer Maintenance etc.


Identity cards will be issued to students on their admission to a course, Students are required to compulsory carry their identity cards in hte institute's premises and display it to the authorities


The Major Objectives of our courses are as follow:

  • to provide adequate knowledge of all functional areas of computer science.

  • To build up logical and communication skills among the students.

  • To instill a sense of confidence and leadership by explosing them to the real world situation.
  • AVM School

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